Port of Split Free Zone
Free zone is a part of the territory of the Republic of Croatia where activities are performed under particularly established conditions.
The entry and placement of goods in the free zone takes place in accordance with customs regulations, whether it be the acquis communautaire of the European Union or national regulations of the Republic of Croatia.
The free zone of the Port of Split can be used by domestic and foreign legal and natural persons (users). The following may be performed in the zone: production of goods, processing of goods, storage of goods of wholesale trade, strategic business support activities, activities of establishing technological development and innovation centres and provision of services, except banking and other monetary affairs, and insurance and reinsurance of property and persons.
Retail trade is not allowed in the zone.
Free zones are of special interest to business entities working with companies outside of EU

Advantages of working inside of Free Zone
- No customs declaration is submitted for the placement of goods in a FZ
- Goods placed in the FZ, in terms of customs, have no deadline within which to leave the FZ
- In order to secure possible debt, users are not required to submit bank guarantees for the accommodation of goods in the FZ
- Non-EU goods may be subjected to the usual forms of handling without special approval
- The delivery of goods to the FZ and the provision of services on those goods are exempt from VAT, in cases when these goods are placed in the FZ for export outside the EU
- Deliveries of goods within FZ that are not released for free circulation according to the provisions of customs regulations are not subject to VAT payment in accordance with article 32 of the Tax Act
Want to know more about operating inside Free Zones?
Get in touch with our specialist on customs affairs and free zones!
Working Hours
Office: 7AM - 3PM (Mon-Fri)
Operations: 0 - 24h
+385 21 508 729